Alamo College Bio Game - Vis Dev

Herbivore- Saber Tooth Rabbit (I was asked for something similar to the Macawnivore from The Croods)

Herbivore- Saber Tooth Rabbit (I was asked for something similar to the Macawnivore from The Croods)

Apex Predator - Land Whale

Apex Predator - Land Whale

Early Look Dev of the carnivore creature

Early Look Dev of the carnivore creature

Feedback given to an intern working on the project

Feedback given to an intern working on the project

Alamo College Bio Game - Vis Dev

Date: 2020

Programs Used: Photoshop & Procreate

Samples of vis dev created while working at Alamo College

I Created these concepts and a color keys for the Genetics Game environment for Alamo College.
It’s meant to show off the vibrancy of the land and it's inhabitants.